
  • Review of 2024

    What a year it’s been! Dominated, for us, by the court case on the definition of “sex” in the Equality Act. #WeKnowWhatAWomanIs. You can read the background to the...

  • UK Supreme Court – the hearing

    Speaking Notes Aidan O’Neill KC has kindly given permission to publish his speaking notes. It is important to understand that these are the notes of what he hoped to...

  • UK Supreme Court – written cases

    Ahead of our appeal being heard in the UK Supreme Court on 26 – 27th November 2024 we are now able to publish our written submission to the court....

  • Abused or abuser?

    When Roz Adams won her employment tribunal case against Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre this May, many commentators were shocked by the evidence revealed in court about the “Kafkesque” “heresy...

  • Rape Crisis Centres – by women and for women?

    The following report is also available to view/download as a PDF. The rape crisis support network is in crisis. Barely two weeks after Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC) apologised...

  • What will John Swinney do next?

    Euan McColm wonders in his Scotsman article how long John Swinney and his Ministers will stay silent while people we should be able to trust try to explain away...

  • Edinburgh Rape Crisis, Rape Crisis Scotland, Mridul Wadhwa and Sandy Brindley

    We are aware that some people feel Ms Brindley, CEO of Rape Crisis Scotland (RCS), is being subjected to a witch hunt, something our organisation would be expected to...

  • What’s Happening in Your Child’s School?

    Report 1: What’s Happening in Your Child’s Classroom? SummaryThe number of children presenting with gender distress in Scotland has soared over the last decade, particularly since 2017 when many...

  • School Toilets

    Despite clear legislation on the requirement to provide single-sex toilets in schools many local authorities across Scotland are replacing these with mixed-sex (gender-neutral) facilities, often without prior consultation with...

  • We won! Scottish Government redefinition of woman is unlawful

    We are absolutely delighted to report that after more than 18 months of legal action we have won the appeal of our judicial review. The Court of Session has...

  • International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights – List of Issues

    This is our response to the call for feedback on the UN List of Issues for the seventh periodic review for the UK of the International Covenant on Economic,...

  • NHS Grampian: Equality Outcomes 2025-2029

    This is our submission to the NHS Grampian consultation on their proposed Equality Outcomes 2025-2029 under the Public Sector Equality Duty. The draft Equality Outcomes can be read here;...

  • EHRC Code of Practice

    This is our submission to the EHRC consultation on their Code of Practice which aims to provide legally accurate and accessible information to service providers. The draft Code can...

  • Feminist groups write to Nicola Sturgeon

    As reported in The Herald we, and other women’s groups, have written to Nicola Sturgeon asking her to provide detail, rather than “dropping broad hints” about “shadowy forces” who...

  • Equally Safe at School – student survey

    An article in today’s Herald: Campaigners raise concerns over Rape Crisis Scotland school survey reports on a survey that asked second year pupils numerous questions about sexual harassment. The...