Statements Page 2

  • FWS Statement on Justice Committee meeting today

    We were disturbed, but sadly unsurprised, that, once again, the Committee passed-up the chance to add sex to the Hate Crime Bill while failing to progress on free speech...

  • FWS Statement on Nicola Sturgeon’s video

    We should like to address the film released tonight by Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, at the height of a national health crisis. As women’s rights campaigners we are...

  • FWS Statement on the Vote for Lamont Amendment

    FWS are delighted by Jeane Freeman’s decision to back Johann Lamont’s amendment to the Forensic Medical Services Bill. This Bill provides for improved services and much needed support and...

  • For Women Scotland Response to the UK Government GRA Announcement

    While we are cautiously pleased to see that the statement by Liz Truss has committed to single sex spaces, we would like more clarity on how the Government intends...

  • News Release – Judicial Review

    Scottish Government Faces Judicial Review for redefining “Woman” to Include Men Re: Gender Representation on Public Boards Act 2018  On 31st July 2020, a pre-action letter was sent to...

  • News Release – Pre-Action Letter

    Scottish Government Faces Court Action for Redefining “Woman” to Include Men Re: Gender Representation on Public Boards Act 2018  A letter has been sent to the government by lawyers...

  • Women Uniting – Press Release

    PDF of Press Release: FULL COPY – 21Jun2020 Individual Press Releases: 21Jun20, 23Apr20, 08Mar20

  • FWS response to Scottish Government consultation on GRA reform

    For Women Scotland welcomes the further consultation on reform of the Gender Recognition Act.  We hope that the process will be evidence based and transparent, and will take into...

  • It’s a start

    For Women Scotland was formed on the 20th of June 2018 and it’s rather fitting that, exactly one year later, Shirley-Anne Somerville’s statement in Parliament on the reform of...

  • Twitter thread re GRA Announcement

    Link to Twitter thread: hereArchived here: Thread: The shenanigans of @scotgov regarding the announcement of proposals to reform the GRA are, to say the least, concerning. There are...