
  • FWS is six!

    The 20th of June was FWS’s 6th birthday and happily coincided with the #WomenWhoWouldntWheesht book launch (available here and from all good booksellers) AND the passing of the Gender...

  • Statement on Scottish Minister misrepresenting the Hate Crime Act

    We and MurrayBlackburnMackenzie are calling on the Minister for Victims and Community Safety to stop misrepresenting the law. (Statement as a PDF) Interviews given by Siobhian Brown, the Minister for Victims...

  • Judicial review appeal

    Last year we brought a judicial review on changes the Scottish Government had made to the statutory guidance for the Gender Representation on Public Boards Act which meant males who...

  • Let Women Speak in New Zealand

    For Women Scotland condemns the violence and stand in support of Kellie-Jay Keen and the women attending the event. We have joined together with other groups in the UK...

  • Emergency evidence session by EHRCJ Committee

    The EHRCJ Committee has now announced that Ms Alsalem, Special Rapporteur on violence against women for the United Nations, has been invited to give evidence for the first time,...

  • Judicial Review Decision

    We are, of course, hugely disappointed in today’s ruling, which is available in full on the court’s website here. At first reading this seems disastrous for women who are...

  • FWS Statement on the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill

    This sexist Bill takes a wrecking ball to safeguards by giving any man a passport to self-declare they are a woman without checks or any need for medication, surgery...

  • Joint statement in response to the EHRC intervention

    In response to the EHRC’s recent letter to the Scottish Government about reform of the Gender Recognition Act and their submission to the UK Government about conversion therapy, 20...

  • Joint statement on Scottish Government plans to legislate for the self-declaration of sex

    We are pleased that the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has intervened to draw attention to concerns around current plans for reform of the Gender Recognition Act (GRA)...

  • FWS Response to SNP Manifesto

    As published in our Twitter thread: Today @theSNP released their manifesto and, on the Gender Recognition Act, it was as bad as feared. Yes, there is obfuscation to mask...