
  • NHS boards requested CMO adopt Cass Review recommendations

    An article in yesterday’s Telegraph SNP government’s health chief urged to adopt Cass Review by senior doctors and another in today’s Times Top doctor challenged over transgender care covered...

  • What’s Happening in Your Child’s School?

    Report 1: What’s Happening in Your Child’s Classroom? SummaryThe number of children presenting with gender distress in Scotland has soared over the last decade, particularly since 2017 when many...

  • Ending conversion practices in Scotland

    This is our submission to the Scottish Government consultation on their proposals for criminal and civil legislation aiming to end all conversion practices in Scotland. The consultation document can...

  • Statutory guidance for RSHP in schools

    This is our submission to the Scottish Government consultation on statutory guidance for Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) in schools. The draft guidance can be read here and...

  • School Toilets

    Despite clear legislation on the requirement to provide single-sex toilets in schools many local authorities across Scotland are replacing these with mixed-sex (gender-neutral) facilities, often without prior consultation with...

  • Withdraw the ‘Supporting transgender young people in schools’ guidance from Scottish schools

    This is our submission to the Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee who are considering petition PE2001 calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to withdraw...

  • Gender Identity Theory in Schools

    The Telegraph ran an article revealing that Scottish children as young as 11 are being taught in school that they are “queer” if they do not yet know their...


    Two recent articles in the Telegraph: NHS Scotland plans to ‘fast-track irreversible surgery for trans patients’ and Women’s health clinics could be renamed to avoid upsetting trans patients have...

  • Letter to Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills

    We sent the following letter to Shirley-Anne Somerville (Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills) and Clare Haughey (Minister for Children and Young People) on 31st August 2022 regarding single-sex...

  • Schools must provide single-sex toilets

    As reported in the Times we wrote to all 32 local councils across Scotland on 10 June 2022 requesting they review school buildings and policies to ensure single-sex toilets...