Ministerial Code of Conduct complaint

We are publishing this correspondence to place it on the record. The Scottish Government approved the Gender Recognition Reform Bill for introduction to Parliament at a Cabinet meeting on the morning of 18 January 2022. Cabinet Secretary Shona Robison met with our group later on the same day, informing us we had the opportunity to influence the draft bill. It seems unlikely a competent Government would clear a bill for Parliament that was still in development and therefore any consultation with us, and other groups on subsequent dates, was entirely performative and futile. Our letter that Ms Robison had breached the Ministerial Code of Conduct with regard to openness and honesty and the response from the First Minister are given below.
FWS letter to First Minister, 09 June 2023 (click images to enlarge):

The freedom of information response we referred to is given here.
First Minister reply to FWS, 22 June 2023: