Tag: LGBT Youth Scotland

  • Abused or abuser?

    When Roz Adams won her employment tribunal case against Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre this May, many commentators were shocked by the evidence revealed in court about the “Kafkesque” “heresy...

  • FOI for Funding Applications

    The funding applications submitted by four organisations that are funded primarily by the Scottish Government – LGBT Youth Scotland, Equality Network, Engender and Elect Her – were requested via...

  • Gender Recognition Reform – Committee evidence from trans organisations

    Representatives from three trans lobby groups: Scottish Trans Alliance, LGBT Youth Scotland and Stonewall Scotland gave oral evidence to the Parliament Committee charged with scrutinising the Gender Recognition Reform...

  • LGBT Youth Scotland – Freedom of Information Request

    In 2017, guidance for schools was published by LGBT Youth Scotland, entitled “Supporting Transgender Young People: Guidance for Schools in Scotland”. While its aim was to help schools support...

  • Twitter thread re LGBT Youth Scotland

    I read this thread on Twitter by the marvellous @CroneInAMillion and thought it was worth keeping: Thread for @PennyMordaunt. I am glad you are investigating the 4000% increase in girls reporting to...