
  • General Election 2024

    Here we have a look at women’s rights and the party manifestos, covering the key pledges from the Conservatives, Labour, SNP, Lib Dems, Alba, Greens, Reform, SDP, CPB and...

  • Council Elections 2022

    Each council is made up of councillors who are directly elected by the residents of the area they represent. There are 1,227 councillors in Scotland, who are normally elected...

  • Women’s Pledge for MSP Candidates

    **Archive of Women’s Pledge as published on 26 April 2021** We want to see MSPs in the next Scottish Parliament commit to women’s rights. Please email your candidates and...

  • Election 2021 Guide

    **Archive of Election Guide as published on 26 April 2021** Voters will go to the polls on 6th May to elect Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs). A total...

  • Election Hustings

    We have gathered together the following clips from TV and radio of Holyrood candidates being asked questions on women’s rights and self-identification issues. Please also see MBM’s Fact Check...