Tag: Rape Crisis Scotland

  • Rape Crisis Centres – by women and for women?

    The following report is also available to view/download as a PDF. The rape crisis support network is in crisis. Barely two weeks after Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC) apologised...

  • Equally Safe at School – student survey

    An article in today’s Herald: Campaigners raise concerns over Rape Crisis Scotland school survey reports on a survey that asked second year pupils numerous questions about sexual harassment. The...

  • FWS Statement on Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre

    We are saddened – if unsurprised – that Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre has been found wanting in so many respects. The Review Report lays bare the failings which have...

  • The Real Crisis at Rape Crisis Scotland

    But I think the other thing is that sexual violence happens to bigoted people as well. And so, you know, it is not discerning crime. But these spaces are...

  • Reaction to Lamont amendment

    The following was taken from our Twitter thread: Sadly, today we have seen something of a push-back on Twitter to the amendment to the Forensic Medical Services Bill, including...